Saturday, April 1, 2017

Hasta La Pasta 2016

2016 has been rough.  People died bc they were the wrong color, sexuality, religion, etc. but somehow some of us were more upset about a dead gorilla.  There was worldwide destruction,  protests, & contaminated water (& not just in Flint & North Dakota).  We were bombarded with each others opinions during a hostile election season & we weren’t all as tolerant as we could/should have been.  There were dead pop stars, environmental disasters & wars.  At least one captured drug lord, a pandemic & the TV told us nothing was ever safe.  Not a church, not a movie theatre, or a park, or your office holiday party or the voting booth or your conscience -  nothing. 
Personally, my faith, marriage, health, career & friendships were all tested to varying degrees.  I questioned God’s plans, I challenged my husband’s decisions, I neglected my fitness, I took a risk with my career &I also judged many friends as they shared their opinions of our undocumented/Muslim/LGBTQ/colored neighbors from what I assumed was a pedestal of privilege.  I started out 2016 so hopeful, so committed to exhausting every opportunity that I was presented with; so determined to impose my will on Cesar, on my body, on my friends ballots, even on my God’s divine plans.  And for the most part, I fell flat on my face.  I fell into a sad little hole & at the bottom of that hole I found cookies & beer. 
A couple weeks ago, I saw a picture someone had tagged me in with a group of people & I thought my eyes were closed in it.  But no, my cheeks are just that puffy right now.  I am NOT saying this fishing for compliments – please believe me when I say that I am as vain as I am confident but lets be real, cookies & beer is not undoing any of the emotions 2016 brought with it & now I am just uncomfortable.  Like, if I cant wear leggings somewhere I am not going, lol!   And it’s a damn good thing idgaf what anyone thinks about me bc the other day a girl (who is like 5’9, 110 lbs & doesn’t age) said to me: “you’ve gained weight huh?  I can tell bc your face is SO ROUND!”  (as she gestures a wide pancake shape around her face)… & I couldn’t even clap back because I literally had a friggin bagel in my mouth.  So wtf was I REALLY supposed to say to that?!  LOL so I just nodded & chewed aggressively.  Swear like I was gonna stop eating that bagel.  Trippin. 
All this to say though that I just feel like a lot of BS went down in 2016 & I did not adult properly & deal.  Instead I stewed.  And I ate too many cookies & drank too many beers & I stopped going to the gym.  So I am breaking up with 2016 & all of the depression, disappointment, despair, discrimination & donuts it brought with it!  It had some highlights, don’t get it twisted, I know I am beyond blessed.  But I am human & I cannot front.  Sometimes I am burdened.  I hope this makes sense, please don’t misconstrue the message.  I am just saying, sh** was rough.  And I guess that is the beauty of it.  That if you’re reading this on 12/31/16  you & I are still blessed to have able bodies & sound minds, and God-willing the safety & well being of our loved ones.  We even have this blessing/curse of social media to communicate with/compare ourselves to our family & friends. 
Idk what 2017 is bringing.  But I know that I am not going to continue to reopen wounds,  I am going to let go & let God. I am not going to be so consumed with the pain that I do not see the gain.  I will recognize that the burden is the blessing, and I will remind myself that His mercies are new EVERY DAY, that He will turn my mourning into dancing.  I pray that the coming year brings you the basics, the beautiful, the blessings & beyond.  One love – S

#TLDR #harambeforever 

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