Sunday, May 8, 2016

The Llorona & Hannah


I am an only child.  I am not the “typical” only child because my parents never intended for me to be an “only” so they made sure I knew how to share.  I will spare you the details but my Ama had a lot of miscarriages.  As a kid I got lonely, despite having a gazillion cousins.  Once I was a teen though I was grateful to have my own room & I got pretty used to not *really* having to share.  As a young adult I decided that I would marry in my early to mid twenties & pop out as many kids as possible because:  Mexican.  I wanted 3 boys & 1 girl:  Abraham, Isaac, Jacob & Angelina – yes like Jolie (facepalm).   Fast forward to New Years Eve 1998-99.  I was getting ready to go to a party but I didn’t feel very well.  I kept getting ready though because it was NYE dammit & I had a party to get to.  I walked downstairs & attempted to use the restroom one last time before I hopped in my hooptie to leave but the pain was intensifying.  Damn those 2 Jack in the Box tacos I had for lunch!  Being the stubborn teenager I was I got in my car anyway, stuck the key in the ignition but could not move to reach around for my seat belt.  I yelled for my parents & the next 24-48 hours were mostly a blur.  There was a lot of probing.  Lots of bright lights.  Lots of morphine.  I was freezing.  I don’t know how many different times & ways I told the doctor I was a virgin & that I was not having a miscarriage, that it was the tacos.  I do recall dropping an F Bomb in front of my very conservative mother which prompted her to tell the doctor that I wasn’t lying & that she didn’t have to “leave the room” for me to tell the truth.  I knew it was getting bad though because in between my trips to space I’d focus in & see the strong & stoic “Ama” I was used to seeing suddenly crying uncontrollably over me & praying.  I wasn’t afraid.  I knew I wasn’t dying but I still told God that if I was then I was ready.  When I came to I remember asking for more drugs & being told that I had an ovarian cyst rupture & hemorrhage but that all my parts were intact & that I could still have children.  Thank God!  I thought.  What man would want a girl who can’t have kids?! 
In college a lot of Life happened & my priorities shifted.  My dreams of getting married & starting a family were shattered by a Jarhead & the War on Terror.  I drowned my sorrows in Long Island Iced Teas & put my faith in Marlboro Lights, dead-end relationships & lots of dancing.  I was at a different club every weekend, sometimes on top of a speaker.  I did NOT want kids, kids were gross & they ruined your life.  They impaired my ability to get up & go as I pleased.  I was glad that I could just stay as drunk as I wanted & not deal.  I took my Pill every day & yet I still managed to have a couple “scares.”  I would not quit drinking those months when the wait was a little long, instead I would continue to live fast & boast that I was “Nobody’s mother & Nobody’s wife.”  But when “Nobody” was looking I would sob because deep down I knew that THIS was NOT what I really wanted for myself, THIS was NOT The Plan.  I told myself that if I did not have kids by the time I was 30 I just wasn’t going to do it though.  I was getting more set in my ways & the longer I waited the more selfish I got.  Fuck slowing down. 

More Life happened & C & I were getting pretty serious.  We moved in together kinda quickly & it prompted me to write up questionnaires of sorts to ask each other every night & they helped get to know each other better.  The only condition was to be 100% honest.  One buzzy night I mustered up the nerve to ask him if he would still be with me if we found out that I couldn’t have kids.  He said yes but asked why.  I just said “I don’t know, I had issues as a kid & I think that it could be a possibility & I don’t want you to resent me someday if it ends up being that I can’t”.  He just said he didn’t care & we went to sleep.  I “officially” came off birth control in 2012, although we’d already been in between methods the prior year.   We didn’t REALLY discuss the possibility of getting pregnant, we just kinda figured we would not NOT “try” & see how it went.   I didn’t really think this scenario through.  Every month that passed brought another imagined symptom.  I COMPLETELY obsessed:  Am I ovulating?  Are my boobs hurting?  I think my boobs like, HURT.  I am like, a DAY late.  OMG what if this is it?!?  Oh Gawd.  Wait!  It’s cool now I can totally have a baby shower & a theme. And like, a baby.  Bc “babies” are accessories right?  You know, like purses.  Your outfit (“family”) is not COMPLETE without one, right? Amirite? Omg this baby is gonna be chubby with Asian eyes, cutest ever.
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.  I cant drink.  So many sad emojis. 
Is this Real Life?

My period ALWAYS came.  Two weeks late, on time & everything in between.  And let me tell you that bitch came with a vengeance.  She wanted to make it clear we were NOT fertilized or forming a microscopic human THIS month.  I’d get sad for a bit.  Like “oh bummer, no tiny cholas or Hulks this month” but I always got over it between weeks 1 & 3.  Weeks one through three I would Google “French baby girl names” & practice “Luke” in cursive. 
Me (on phone):  “Dude I’m TOTALLY gonna get a stroller that looks like a ‘64 Impala  Yea hot pink, obvie.  But the baby shower is gonna be TRES Francais.  You know, because Paris.  And comme ce dis “CLASSY” au Francais?  Otherwise its gonna be a co-ed shower on football Sunday.  Yes Chargers, OBVIE.  Blue & Gold.  Yaaaasss girl.  Taco guy.  Yaaaasss the men will totally play the baby shower games.” 

*queue screeching brakes sound* 

Other couples just KEPT getting pregnant.  We didn’t worry too much though bc we weren’t 100% focused on having a baby, we were 75% focused on buying a house & 25% focused on having a baby.  But after about a year & half 25% focus would have still prompted a “scare” & we did not have one.  We went to the doctor.  I quit drinking.   Took prenatal vitamins.  I ate right, exercised.  I bought ovulation packs in bulk.  I propped my legs up against the wall.  I drank Robitussin & Chinese herbs & Mexican herbs.  I went to a Botanica & ran past a taxidermy monkey & a La Santa Muerte statue crossing myself & praying I’d find the tea my friend’s Mom’s Tia’s Comadre got pregnant on quickly before the Curandero Brujo behind the counter offered me a Limpia.  “No gracias, just the tesito today.” Then I went to acupuncture.  Nothing.  Then C had had enough.  And honestly so had I.  When we finally bought a house we were faced with a different set of challenges but you know, we still tried, we just didn’t worry about it….


When I say WE I mean C.  Let’s keep it real, something was WRONG.  I mean come ON chicks get pregnant on accident when they are faded and here I am damn near standing on my head & doing cartwheels & nothing is happening!
 *queue insecurities*
I shouldn’t have drank or ho’d around so much in college.  I mean, I’m pretty sure its broken.  Oh I know!  I am just gonna keep doing what I am doing but I am ALSO gonna volunteer with Kids Ministry.  Nooo I know God doesn’t care but you know, what if HE DOES?!?!?!?  Dude, if I could just make up for 2003-2008.  SO MUCH damage. 
And THAT friends is how I GROSSLY misunderstood Grace.  If you’ve never heard anyone explain it before, Grace is unmerited favor, from God.  No matter what you’ve done or how long you did it.  If we repent & have Jesus in our hearts it is by Grace, through faith that we are saved (Ephesians 2:8)  – not because we volunteer or tithe or Adult or WHATEVER. Christ got what we all proverbially deserved on the cross & there is nothing we can do to make up for it or to undo our sin because Jesus’ blood washed us all from it & we don’t have to.  Its FREE 99.  And it is hard for a little immigrant Paisa girl to understand how to accept God’s FAVOR without earning it.  In between all of this I heard my first sermon on Hannah.  The Bible says Hannah desperately wanted a baby but that the Lord had shut her womb.  The sermon was too relevant & unfortunately for me I was sitting in the middle of the 3rd row from the front & I am certain my Pastor watched me bawl the entire message.  Also this ruined my perfect eyeliner, which just added insult to injury.  Yay for sunglasses.  More on Hannah later. 


More time passed and it was time to go back to the doctor.  Neither of us are aging in reverse, although we like to pretend.  After more blood work & tests they determined that C was not the issue.  Dr.  A asked way too many questions.  “Doc, could you NOT… you know, like talk & sprobe?”  I heard a high pitched noise in my head after the words “cyst” & “endometriosis” & held back tears as internally I screamed:  “WHY ISN'T ANYTHING EVER EASY FOR US?!?!??!!!??!?!?” Fine.  Yes I will go get the tube test Doc, sure thing. 
DUDE.  I did not know that there was a way to recreate the pain I felt on NYE 1998 until the day I did this GD test.  Understand that although I have a very bad mouth - I try my damndest not to take the Lords name in vain but I just cant even with the intensity of this test.  This shit hurt so bad that I could not control my screams or my tears.  The nurse apologized profusely & held my hand while I apologized back for “being so dramatic.”   Now I knew why I had to sign that pinche waiver.  I looked at the doctor & he seemed….idk sad maybe?  Idk I doubt he was sad bc he is a professional but his face definitely changed.  He pulled the monitor closer to the 3 of us & explained that my left fallopian tube was totally blocked.  Well shit.  I had the afternoon off work so I went home to take Aleve & cry in private but that didn’t last long because I had not one, but TWO baby showers to plan (which I was happy about bc selfishly it did not give me the luxury to overthink things).   Dr. A called within the hour to say she couldn’t help me anymore & to schedule an appointment with a specialist ASAP.  To which C replied “you know what would help you feel better?  A puppy”  
*queue Boogie* 
Specialist Doc did not give me an opportunity to address my diagnosis of Endometriosis & the ovarian cyst without also steering me to the immediate solution of In Vitro Fertilization.  She was arrogant & dismissive and made me feel like a putz for not jumping on the IVF bandwagon.  To clarify, In Vitro Fertilization is when you extract mom’s eggs & fertilize them with the dad’s best available sperm & then reinsert the bun back into her oven.  This is pretty standard, expensive, and in my opinion, invasive. 
Me:  “But I really just want to know what to do about this cyst so it doesn’t rupture & cost me an ovary”
Specialist:   “yes, well, if it grows you’ll definitely KNOW, but in the meantime you should just consider In Vitro.”    
M:  “No but isn’t there a surgery that will clear out the blockage in my tube & remove my cyst?”
S:  “You’re not a good candidate, the cyst is too small to remove without damaging the surrounding eggs & fallopian tubes are too delicate to clean out.  If we cleaned it out it would remain rigid & it would not help move things along, I recommend you try in vitro fertilization” 
Me:  “No but I’m not “there” yet I’m just trying to see about healing my situation first“
Specialist:  “Why not?! Getting pregnant is the BEST solution for endo & you have a very good chance that In Vitro will work”
M:  “What about insemination? What about the tube that isn’t blocked, am I not ovulating on the proper side?”
S:  “Your odds are not that good.  Think of it as a game of poker.  With poker, there are chips….”
*insert pissed off emojis*    Bitch!  Staaaaap comparing C & I’s commingled DNA to poker chips, these are lives not odds!!!
We’d just picked up our Boogie baby a week before my consult with the Specialist.   I left the Specialists’ office defeated and void of all prayer or hope.  I still had to stop at Gymboree to pick up another baby shower gift though, and manage not to lose my shit with every tiny outfit I bought for someone else’s baby.  When I got home C asked how it went & all I could do was pour a GIANT glass of wine & cuddle with the puppy.  All I managed to communicate was that it was bad & that apparently the only real hope I had to be a mom was via IVF.  That night, instead of our usual bedtime prayers & fart jokes C held me while I wept.  That night, I cried for all the times I hadn’t cried in the previous four years & then the next day I got up & went to work like I did every day before that – because life.  And because you can’t deposit excuses.  

We met with our Pastor the following week & discussed where insemination & IVF stood Biblically.  We prayed.  I cried.  My pastor extroverted all over the place.  I knew where I stood, C agreed & we drove home in silence. 
Then came the awful realization that my parents would not have grandkid.  My parents, who tried so hard to have a big family & only ended up with a crazy quasi-chola nerd that they technically still feed once a week were stuck with just me.  Sorry Apa, this is where your last name ends.  It bothers me though when his friends & family say “Children's children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children” (Proverbs 17:6).  Yes, its in the Bible.  Yes, it is true.  But also, kiiiinda condescending when taken out of context.  Like when people interpret this into meaning “if you are a Godly parent, you’ll have grandchildren to show for it”  or my FAVORITE:  “the BEST Moms get promoted to GRANDMAs” …  um.  No.  Sorry but not always. 


Fast forward some time & another puppy & in came the sin & the doubt.  Look – I am OBVIOUSLY no where near perfect.  I am pretty awful @ being a Christian and as of late have been in pain & well past the average amount of cranky once a month for a few days.  However, when I found out that God was not about to make my little fairytale come true I lost my shit. 
I felt like The Llorona.  La Llorona is a story about a lady who lost her mind over a man & drowned her kids, then drowned herself.  She spends the rest of her nights haunting a river in Mexico yelling “aayyyy mis hijos” (ay, my kids).  I just skipped the murder & suicide part & went straight to mourning like “aaayy mis hijos!!” LOL I hope you can tell that I’m kidding, but really this is how I picture myself when I think about how crazy my emotions can get. 
Every now and then there came a month when the struggle was SO real that I was certain I was drowning in a river of blood, shame, tears & self pity.  The only way I knew to undo the knot in my throat was to pour beer all over it and that is exactly what I did.   For about a year I ate & drank everything in my path in hopes of numbing away the inadequacy.  Cookies & beer I always say, and we all know I don’t really NEED a reason to drink beer or eat cookies, the difference was that I also stopped going to the gym.  I was fucking unraveling.  I didn’t want to see anybody.  I gained 15 lbs & I did not GAF.  Until I had to put on pants.  “aaaay mis pantaloooones!” 
Then there were those months that I’d committed to staying sober but instead a knot of worthlessness in my throat would still (sometimes unexpectedly) develop into anger & prompt me to compare myself to everyone else & ask why?   Why not me God?  We were both hot messes in college.  Shit, she was a ho AFTER college,  Which one of us is more deserving?  I’d be a good mom too… 
Man, those judgy pants sure slid on easier than my real pants. 
Yeah, I know I am wrong but let’s just acknowledge that it is hard when you see people who you think are less deserving than you succeed at something you haven’t been able to do.  Grace never seems fair until we need some of it for ourselves.  It also sucks when your friends all start talking mom stuff and you're just standing there waiting for an opening to talk about SOMETHING ELSE.  I mean don't you work?  Travel?   Puppies?  Adulting?  Election year?  And they complain & complain  and I just have to do my best to be a good friend & not let my own crap get in the way.  To clarify, I am not jealous of these girls OR their babies.  I am genuinely happy for all of them & I love their kiddos, but some days I'm just mad & I wish we would talk about something that didn’t constantly remind me of my brokenness.  Some days I say I'm going to the gym so I can cry in the parking lot of said gym in peace.  But then I remember that ain't nobody got time for self pity and grief and tears so I suck it up and work it out because I CAN control how hard I run and how much I lift.  Plus this way C doesn't see me cry or question why he's not enough or why I'm not satisfied with what I have.  And I don't have to look him in the eye & apologize for being insane when really I just want to grieve without judgements or words or anything but tears and groaning.   And I thank God for C and this able body that I can pound this treadmill with and slam these weights with because this is the only thing I can do to keep from going batshit crazy on days like this. 
And then comes the day when I catch you staring.  Yeah you.  You who knows my business.  And not bc I’m fly (although I am) but bc you feel sorry for me.  With all due respect, stop.  That is the nicest way I can say it.  If I have to say it again there will be cussing in Spanish.  YES, I may have some tough days where I wished it was me.  Where I pray that if I suddenly died I hoped C would remarry someone who can give him babies; Days where I lift my eyes to the sky & say “God just come get me.  I'm done learning all the lessons you have for me on this earth.  I'm ready really ready God I'm done.”  No I don't want your pity or your sympathy, this shit is not cancer.  I am fine.  Days when I'm sweating and simultaneously crying as if I were menopausal and I'm laughing like a maniac and I'm pining for a baby but THOSE days come to an end.  Usually around the 28th-31st day of every cycle.  And they are replaced with days when instead I am thankful.  I am thankful that it hurts.  Every day.  Physically  & emotionally.  And every stab, burning twist is a real & constant reminder of the shit I cant do.   I am grateful that I am here, and that this is the ONLY thing my body cant do.  I do not need your pity.  Stop looking at me like that.  I am made in the Lord’s image (Genesis 1:27).  I am fearfully & wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14).  My God’s GOT ME.  But seriously why the hell isn't grief LINEAR?!?!?!  Nope, I am fine. I am going to be fine. 


Yes my God.  My Heavenly Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Jehova, Yah-Weh, He heals me.  And the mania ceases. 
There is triumph.   There is victory.  But this story doesn't end with a picture of a sonogram announcing a miracle.  
Remember Hannah?  Hannah was married to Elkanah.  In the old days it was cool to have as many wives as you could support.  Elkanah was also married to Peninah.  The Bible speaks of what Hannah could not produce:  Peninah had children but Hannah had none.  Although Hannah had no children Elkanah LOVED her more.  But yet the Bible still speaks of what Hannah could not produce.  What if she was really pretty, or smart, or considerate, a great cook, what if she had ABS??!  Well, the only thing I can come up with is that the Bible wants to point out that the enemy wants us to identify Hannah with what she has the INABILITY to produce.  He wants us to identify ourselves with something negative & camp there. 
In the Bible it says that God shut Hannah’s womb – which makes me ask why?  Why would God just deprive her of the petitions of her heart?  Have you ever had the tools to attain something but you still cant get there?  Does it drive you crazy?  I sometimes catch myself thinking:  “this is the ONE thing a woman is SUPPOSED to be ABLE to do…”  where is the lesson in this?  Uuuggghhh then I just end up cross-eyed because GOD’S time is not MY time. 
What I haven’t told you yet is that Elkanah’s other wife (the one with kids) likes to  provoke Hannah.  “Look what I can do, check out all my kids” but what’s crazy is that Elkanah loves HANNAH so much that he gives her a DOUBLE portion (of food) & so Peninah hates on her even though she has MULTIPLE of what Hannah prays incessantly for (a son).  Hannah prays so hard at one point that a priest thinks she is faded, but Peninah is the one hating on Hannah.  Why?  Idk does Hannah have God’s favor?  Idk this is a weird one for me to try to explain, especially when I ask myself HOW Hannah has gained Gods favor?  Hannah has God’s favor because Hannah has FAITH.  She knows that God will turn her mourning into dancing (Psalm 30:11).  And just like that I realized that grief is not linear & inner strength is an illusion.  I cannot muscle through everything.  My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. (Psalm 73:26)
Now I am just being honest.  Bc of the baby showers I was planning & the subsequent emotions I was avoiding I did not properly grieve.  And I knew it.  I did not acknowledge Jesus bringing me to it & through it I only knew I was mad & sad but I did not have time for either.  Once though, I did manage to ask C if HE was OK with all of this & do you know what he told me?????
HE SAID:  “Babe.  I married YOU.  I did not marry you bc you could have my kids, I married you bc of YOU,  bc I love YOU.  So no, I don’t care that we cant have kids.  Would it be nice?  Sure.  But it does not affect US.” 
THIS.  THIS from a Mexican man.  Do you know how many macho MEXICAN men will LEAVE you for not being able to bear them a SON?!  Never mind a seed altogether?!  How amazing is C?  Mega hulkSMASH amazing!
In the middle of Hannah’s story Elkanah asks her “Hannah, why are you weeping? Why don't you eat? Why are you downhearted? Don't I mean more to you than ten sons?"  Now Elkanah did not understand Hannah’s heart when he asked her this but stay with me bc you may also be asking yourself why I am whining about not having a baby when I am still so blessed beyond measure.  So here it is:  I am grieving the idea of being a mom.  My husband is ENOUGH.  He is MORE than enough, he's amazing.  The last thing I want is to make him feel like shit about us not being parents bc he never resents me or makes me feel awful for not bearing his children.  Sometimes I just can't cry in front of him though.  Not like this.  Not until I overcome.  In the process of me overcoming I questioned God’s ability to heal.  And I picked the right person to ask.
Me:  Babe.  So I would only ever admit this to you bc I know you wont judge me for it… but even though I believe God has the ABILITY to heal me, I don’t think He WILL.  How do you even come to terms with your hip (my husband has an old injury that left him with a bad hip & severe pain) when you see an able bodied person wasting their blessings?”  *tears, snot*  “This isn’t fair.  He doesn’t pick & choose does He?  Idk man, are we not worthy, would we have been monsters if we managed to have it all?
C:  C’mon babe.  Your spiritual gift is Faith, don’t say that. 
Me:  Well then that ought to give you an idea of where I’m at right now. Like, why not US you know?  Is there some great big lesson in all of this, are we supposed to like be examples somehow bc idk how pitching a fit & shaking my fist at God is any kind of Biblical example of Faith.  I mean seeeriously, we are forever swimming upstream. 
C:  Remember when I was upset about money & our careers, and layoffs & trying to invest in our future but not having a gun, or a boat, or a house?  Do you remember what you asked me? 
Me:  I said  “well, how do you measure success? Bc if success is tied up in material things or the security of a fat 401k then you’re missing the point.  Look how far we’ve come.  We will not take any of that with us.  Stop comparing the opportunities that we’ve had to those of others.  Our God provides.  Our marriage is strong.  Our bellies are full & we have a roof over our heads.  That’s success.”
C:  Exactly.  So how did you expect God to heal us?  With a miracle?  By giving us what we want when we want  it?”
S:  *tears*  I guess sometimes he heals us physically & sometimes he heals our hearts…


The Proverb I quoted earlier about grandchildren being crowns does not only apply to biological children, nor does it infer that grandchildren are prizes, or PROOF that you’ve parented in a Godly way.  It can also be applied to Spiritual Children  (i.e. my Godson, my nieces, nephews, younger cousins, mentees, anyone really who has ever come to me for spiritual guidance or life advice).  Do you think those count as “crowns to the aged?”  Well, I hope so.  My parents did their best to set a good, Godly, real life example to me & everyone who has ever stepped foot in their house out of love & reverence for our Lord Jesus – regardless of the promise of crowns.  And then I suddenly realized my parents did not give a flying **** if I couldn’t bear children.  They just want me to be happy.  And if I could find happiness without a baby they would be down to never have to babysit.  I’m pretty sure my Apa is looking at RV’s online & plotting a cross country road trip right now… LOL!
THIS isn't over.  My story will inspire without a cute announcement or a glitzy baby shower or a name & a birth method someone will inevitably judge.   But it will shine and laugh in the face of conformity and prevail.  In those months when the pain is too much I know He is holding me up and showing me that in Him, I am free from my past & there no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1).  That there is nothing in my past that I am “paying for” & that I am Redeemed, daily.  He makes me see & understand that I am not here bc of the circumstances around me but bc I’m standing on Gods promise.  That His delays are not denials.  That I should not allow myself to get discouraged – regardless of what society or culture or the media tells me how it's “supposed” to be, I will not doubt & allow the enemy in because FAITH not tears please God.  I am now in the process of telling myself that not only is He able, I know He WILL. 
I told my new doctor that I am not “one of those women that hangs their hat on being a mother.”  I said this because she was also being pushy about IVF & I did not feel like being vulnerable or explaining myself.  I figured that she would respect that more than me maybe saying that I was afraid or that although I want to partake in creation that I am hurting & I just needed her to just let me be.  If I’d have told her I was a vegan Jehova’s Witness hipster she probably wouldn’t have questioned me but I was too tired to come up with that one on the spot.  Regardless, I will not allow the devil to take my spirit from me while I’m waiting on the promise, I will keep praising God, despite having been in church many times where I have not audibly worshipped the Lord.  Because sometimes the overwhelming spirit of God makes it so I cannot speak without tears flowing & I keep praise in my heart.   

Now, I should probably tell you that although I am labeled a “Christian”  I suck at it.  This is not excuse time, this is reality time.  I do my best to lead like Jesus every day but I inevitably fall short every single day.  This piece has foul language, perhaps some risqué topics, and may even seem straight up irreverent to some of you.  All I can say is I am sorry.  This is just where I am.  I will continue to work on it.  I want to make excuses but in reality I should be making every effort to be like Jesus & sometimes I just kinda half-ass it.  It’s not OK.  I am aware & I am working on it.  I am coming to the realization that trying to be more like Jesus is not about being a better person, its about being held accountable to God (Romans 3:19). 
With that said, I am also working on trying not to wear myself too thin by overbooking my schedule & overcommitting to people, causes & events to try to make up for my self-worth.  Usually, overscheduling allows me to procrastinate feeling anything.  Because I’m “too busy!”  And God forbid people think I’m lazy.  It’s almost like I’m saying “hey just bc I’m not a mom doesn’t mean I don’t have a million things to do.” 
Today we are right in the middle of a lot of uncertainty & decision making with regards to becoming parents.  We have a few more doctor appointments but have not ruled out the possibility of adoption.  We honestly do not know what God has planned for us but we know we are down for whatever.  We are down for a non-Mexican, disabled, older child if that is what God wants for  us.  I am scared & idk how I’m gonna manage but I trust that if He brings me to it, He will bring me through it.    
Back to Hannah - Hannah wanted a son so bad that she prayed to the point where she could not eat, sleep, function.  She told the Lord that if He gave her a son she would dedicate his life back to Him.  “And the Lord REMEMBERED her, after some time she gave birth to a son & she named him Samuel, “Because I asked the Lord for him” (1 Samuel 1:19-20).  She breastfed him & as soon as she weaned him she went back to the temple, dedicated his life to the Lord & left him there to worship all the days of his life.  You know what’s crazy about this story?  First, I am supposed to have a brother named Samuel.  He is in Heaven, serving the Lord.  But think about that for a sec.  What if you prayed & prayed for say, a house & in the process you promised God that if He would just “give” you a house (I say “give” in “quotations” bc it bothers me when people approach God like a magical Genie) that you would turn it into a church.  And then you get keys.  Would yoooou reeeeeaalllly turn your pad (man cave included) into a church?  Where people come seeking solace at all hours of the day & night?  How gangster is Hannah?  She gave her son back to God.  Her SON.  Then what happened?   God gave her SIX more.  Yeah, forreals.  Seven kids! 


Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from Him (Psalm 62:5).  I feel like a cheeseball saying this but He might not come when you want him to, but He’s always on time. I do not know how much longer we are going to be down to go through this process or how weak or strong we will be throughout but I do know that He loves us.  He loves us so much that His Glory will eclipse our afflictions.  I have no idea what we are going to be living the next few months but I do know that however this story ends it is already part of my testimony, that it is God’s will, that I will submit to it & surrender to it & that it is WELL WITH MY SOUL. 

Thanks for reading.  I hope that despite our differences you found a lesson in this piece that you found relatable & are able to apply somehow to your own life.  

Happy Mother's Day...  

One Love, blessUP 

-The Holy Bible, NIV, via the YouVersion app
-1 Samuel 1:1-28 re:  The Birth of Samuel
-Youtube Sermon by Pastor Larry Weathers:  October 3, 2009 Greater Morningstar Apostolic Church in Maryland
-Never Marry a Mexican, Sandra Cisneros


  1. Congratulations on starting a blog, on sharing your journey. It's raw and intense. Looking forward to reading every entry.

  2. I freaking love u! This is so beautiful! Sobbing, but I am so blessed!
